Saturday, September 28, 2013

WWE Superstars Review 26/09/2013


Superstars opened wae Zack Ryders entrance, and I entered a mild but pleasurable coma.

Then fuckin Big E? ye whit? hert attack stuff this is. I've missed ye big barra. How's hings been?

Zack Ryder and Justin Gabriel vs Damien Sandow and Big E Langston

Proper gid stuff. Just a gid team ah boyzies huvin a right time ae it. Gabriels got that high flying kerry oan, Sandows got aw the silky technical gear, n Big E's got the raw power. Zack Ryder wis also there. Mad Gabriels lookin hella good early on. Then it aw goes tae buggery when Big E gets in amongst it. Cause hes a big berr. Nae denyin it. Berr E Langston, but then that sounds lit "Barry Langston" a wee bit and that sounds lit a kitchen fitter or suhin. Sandows hits that elbow of disdain. Gabriel hits a pure rattler of a crossbody on Big E before missin the 450 splash, then Big E hits the big ending fur the win. Smashin wee match, wae the wrasslin and the gid shit.

Then Khali n Hornswoggle come oot, for eh....some reason. Big E absconded n Khali slap Damien Sandow wae his big gammy haun.

A re-cap of Miz TV fae RAW. I don't review re-caps, and I especially dont review recaps involving the miz meht. Instead here's a drawing of Kurt Angle.
Fuckin re-cap of CM Punks segement on RAW noo. As much as it'll be gid tae re-live that,whits the fuckin point in Superstars ataw? jist re-run RAW or suhin.

Real Americans vs Tonnes of Funk
This is the reason. Antonio Cesaro. it wis a short match, and Antonio gets the win wae the rollup, but at least we got tae see Tony eh. Gid hings.

Anerr RAW recap. Instead here's Cesaro n Dolph huvin a banter.


Superstars is shite, but that tag match wis A-OK. I apologise fur even linkin ye tae this. Keep well.

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