Sunday, August 25, 2013

ICWs Edinburgh Invasion

It's finally here! 5 or 6 painstaking weeks since last months stoater of a show Terminator 2, it's finally fuckin here. ICWs second descent on to the nations capital. Only this time instead of working their magic in front of 300 folk in a nightclub, they're coming through to sell out The 1,000+ capacity Picture House (a month in advance no less) and they also happen to be coming through to burn the fuckin place to the ground (figuratively eh, don't worry Edinburgh, we'll no go aw London Riots on ye unless yees get wide )

For me personally its another chance to congregate with 600 of my brothers n sisters. And 400 new ones. Like any family, ye might no like them aw. Some of them might have honkin BO, some of them might drap eggy farts in yer airspace, some of them might start the maist cringy chants ye'll ever expose yer ears tae, some of them even might be fuckin stupid enough tae square go a wrestler. But I get tae say aw that cause I'm talkin aboot my family mate, my flesh n blood, and only god himself could save ye if you've got the baws tae try saying the same shit. Go fur it.

The wrasslin itself should be a joy to behold. I cannae poke holes in any of the card tbh. Fatal 4 way tag matches can occasionally be a bit messy, but apart fae that, the whole card is like me when I see any of Chynas pornos. Rock solid in the strangest, but maist beautiful way possible. Whippy vs Wolfy for the belts will be an epic. Wild vs Solar could potentially steal the show (I said the same when it was Noam vs Wild, and I've nae doubt of Solars ability to work as good a match) Jester vs Sabu will be carnage masquerading as a wrestling match. The two Jimmys (Scott and Havoc) will work their best match against each other to date. Kaylee Ray vs Carmel has the potential to be my favourite womens match of all time. Ye could use my stauner as a diving board for the bra n panties match. And what can ye say about Grado vs Cabana that's no already been said? I expect it tae be the most joyful wrestling match/half hour of entertainment ye'll ever see in yer puff. Nae danger. Having seen Grado amuse the masses for over a year now, and having finally had the pleasure of seeing Colt work his comedy magic live last night, I couldnae name ye two guys who entertain me more. 80-90s Billy Connolly is mibbe up there, and occasionally Danny Mcbride, but that's it mate.

This might seem a bit formal considering the madness which is about to ensue, but as we make our pilgrimage  tae the capital, for purposes of (as Dallas eloquently put it during Billys show) "tearing Edinburgh a new arsehole" I've only got two words for ye.

Shall we?

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