Monday, July 1, 2013

WWE Raw Preview 01/07/2013

I dont understand this "Monday" patter. Aw this negativity about what will make up 1/7th of your life. Its just a day like any other. The key difference between Mondays and other days for this guy, is that usually I get to see Daniel Bryan weave a rich tapestry of wrasslin goodness LIVE tae my home.

If im honest, RAW could be utter dug shit for the other 2 and a half hours or so, but if Daniel Bryans contribution is as good as usual, I'd sleep well. He is just THAT good to watch right now.

Listen but, there are plenty of other positives that will probably occur, so just sit back and let them entertain ye, namely the boy CM Punk, who has looked like he was never away since his return at Payback.I hope to see the progression of this angle between Punk and Lesnar, WITH Lesnar present, but if it happens tae be just Punk and Heyman again, with a wee dose of Cutis Axel in the mix, ye couldnae really complain could ye? Not when that promo last week was easily one of the best of the past 10 years in WWE. I mean, compare it to Shaquille O'Neal cutting a promo on the Big Show during the guest host era, and just sit back and have a wee smile tae yersell, cause that kinda shit is OVER (for the most part) and pipebomb promo Punk cut a couple of years ago is a key reason for that imo. He made the show a fuckin WRESTLING show again.

Someone else making my hert sing wae his Wrasslin prowess is the boy Dolph Ziggler. I would be more than happy just to see him rush out from nowhere again to attack Del Rio no matter what he's doing. Even if the prick is up at his auntys gettin some dinner, I want tae see Dolph Ziggler burst oot the spare room and take a frying pan to his melt. THAT BELT'S NO YOURS BAWBAG.

Hopefully we see the in-ring return of The Shield. Another 6 man involving The Usos would be great, with The Shield winning to re-establish themselves after their loss on Smackdown, but having said that, I fuckin CRAVE Dean Ambrose singles matches. His style is so dark, so engaging, so impossible to take your eyes off. He has that thing. That thing in professional wrestling that is so hard to define, but when you see it, when you have the pleasure of seeing it in full flow, it takes yer breath away.

My one huge gripe with WWE right now is fuckin taking Antonio Cesaro off tv last week after revealing that he had aligned with Zeb Colter. Give me a Cesaro match please. At least a Cesaro sighting. I fear that someone with enough influence to make it happen is doing everything he/she can to keep Cesaro from getting to where he deserves to be. How about ye just dont dae that eh? Forget yer fuckin favorites, and forget who ye might not like as a person, push the wrestler who fuckin deserves to be pushed.

Which leads me to those who dont deserve to be pushed at present. Namely Sheamus (I'll leave my usual Ryback patter out of this yin, he'll be wasting Y2Js time for a wee while yet, get used tae it) I dont dislike Sheamus, hes a solid enough wrestler, but know whit? I'm so fuckin bored of it now, it makes my heid sare. The fact that yon move he does when he thumps his opponents chest a million times still gets a reasonable pop makes me sad. Is that whit ye want from a wrestler? Every week, that same shtick?
"whits your hing big yin?"
"FELLLA! beat me opponents chest, white noise, Brogue Kick, Pin....FELLLAAA" fuckin gies peace wae it please, or at the very least do something interesting with the poor cunt.

I'll save the last bit for Mark Henry, because the boys earned it so he has. Went from respected veteran, to beautiful promo cutting legend in the space of a fortnight. Proof if it was needed that there's nae substitute for hard work in this business. Nae substitute for doing what yer asked diligently and waiting for that chance to shine to come your way, and when Mark's chance came, the big yin grasped it. He deserves the belt, even just as a transitional champ, he deserves to retire with the accolade having been a WWE Champion. I sincerely hope that dream becomes his reality soon enough.

Remember, only tune in to RAW live if your Tuesday schedule is light, cause a tired you isnae the best you. Stay gorgeous x

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