Monday, January 13, 2014

WWE Smackdown Review 10/01/2014

I usually enjoy Smackdown. Often it provides a higher standard of wrestling show that fits my personal tastes more than RAW, in terms of striking the balance between good wrestling, relevant promo work, and commentary which does not involve Jerry Lawler. This weeks show wasn't up to that standard, but it still provided a solid two hour show which didnt make me want to impale mysef on an upturned steak knife, so it beats Impact hands down (not that comparing the two shows is relevant in any way other than the fact that I review them both)

The Usos vs Harper and Rowan

As usual this was an excellent match between these two teams. We had us some flying Usos. We had us The Usos being thrown around like discarded luggage, and we had us a double countout after all sorts of shenanigans outside the ring. Interestingly enough there was no Bray Wyatt or Daniel Bryan at ringside, and that mystery was solved after the match when Bryan and Bray attacked The Usos, as they made their escape from an attempted attack from Rowan and Harper. Bryan hits a flying knee on Jimmy or Jey, and Bray hits Sister Abigail on Jey or Jimmy. Enjoyable match, and the finish sets up The Usos vs Bryan and DBry on RAW. A resounding "NO!" chant goes around the arena from the detractors of DBrys alliance with The Wyatts, but being the hopeful soul I am, I just hope it somehow leads to Daniel Bryan having all the belts.

Big Show on Miz TV. Miz turned heel a few weeks ago guys, do we all remember that? then he didnt. It just didnt happen. He's a nice guy now. Now and forever until his stupid painted on smile eventually cracks and his face falls off. Sorry, I don't like The Miz. Anyway, his guest is the Big Show, and he challenge Brock Lesnar to a fight. Paul Heyman, being the cheeky swine that he is, comes out and gets the crowd to pop by seemingly indicating that Brock was in building and that he would indeed be game for a fight, but its all a big tease leading to a match between Brock and Show being announced for the Rumble. Looking forward to that one. Show and Brock had a brutal rivalry for the WWE belt back in 2003, so fingers crossed they still have the same chemistry now. 

Los Matadores, Rey Mysterio and Sin HuniCara vs The Real Americans and Rybaxel

Passable match, but completely pointless in terms of long term booking. Creative appears to have very little for any of these guys, unless The Real Americans are to be the next tag champs. Cesaro is unfortunately the only one of the 8 people involved who I give a shit about long term, and depressingly he may be the one they have the least amount of faith in going forward (although Los Matadores seem to have been shelved after all the build up they were given)
The wee bull his a senton off the top rope, and Rey Mysterio reverses the patriot lock from Swagger into the 619, and he drops the dime for the win. Zeb Colter is so distraught he calls up border control and demands that they "shoot first, ask questions later" but then he realised his phone doesn't dial out.

Big E Langston vs Randy Orton

This was excellent, but with Big E involved it had very little chance of being anything else. Its unhealthy how much I love that man, and his shimmering chesticles. He starts out with some strong shoulderblocks, which knock the wind, and apparantely the bravery out of Orton as he runs for cover. Most of the match is raw power moves from Langston, with Orton trying to slow it down as much as possible. A couple of backbrakers are followed by Langston driving Orton spine first into the barricades on the outside. Back in the ring Orton hits the second rope DDT, and picks up the win by driving a thumb into Big Es eye and hitting the RKO. Yet again the Champion of Champions comes out looking weak, and he also doesn't have any eyes, so surely he'll be coming up off those belts sometime soon? for the love of god please make it so.

Daniel Bryan confirms that he is most definitely a Wyatt, with a short backstage rant about smashing things, and lies. He's no Bray Wyatt when it comes to eerie, haunting mic work, but the potential for one of the most dangerous factions in WWE history is there.

Fandango vs Xavier Woods

Could have been a great match if it was given any sort of significant time, but it was ended a couple of minutes in with a rollup from Woods. Then him and R-Truth hit a double dropkick on Fandango after he attacked Woods after the bell.

CM Punk and The New Age Outlaws vs The Shield 

All 3 Shield members got on the mic before the match and reminded us all that Dean Ambrose should never pass the mic. Ever. Both Rollins and Reigns are excellent wrestlers, and Reigns has improved on the mic, but neither of them project much charisma with the stick in their hands. Ambrose on the other hand is probably only second to Punk on the mic in the company (and yes, I do include Paul Heyman in that equation, Bray Wyatt is wonderful at monologues but we're yet to see him really got toe to toe with someone great on the mic to judge him properly) The match wasn't great tbh, as much as I love The Outlaws, they are obviously not the wrestlers they once were. Road Dogg did take a good 2-3 minutes of solid offence from the Shield though, before Punk got in and had an excellent exchange with Ambrose. A potential singles feud between these two has me foaming at the mouth. The match is brought to a merciful end when Billy Gunn gets in there with Reigns, and hits him with some strong right hands, then a sideslam on Rollins, before hitting a beautiful elevated suplex on Reigns for a 2 count. Punk tries a GTS on Ambrose but he fights out, so Punk decides to hit a suicide dive on Rollins instead, because he's CM Punk and he can do whatever he likes. Billy Gunn sets Ambrose up for the fameasser, but he didnt have his eyes on the legal man Roman Reigns and Billy Gunn catches an almighty spear. It actually split him in two. Top half Billy, bottom half Gunn. Roman Reigns push to the top continues.

Overall an average Smackdown, considering how good it usually is, I felt there was a lot of lag time and the standard of wrestling wasnt as high as usual, so it gets 6 neckbreakers out of 10.

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